The study was conducted in July – August 2018 with the aim of analyzing the concentration of lead heavy metals (Pb) in water, sediment and macrozoobenthos in the Karangsong waters area, Indramayu Regency. The research method used is a survey method with purposive sampling technique that is the determination of location based on the existence of certain objectives and in accordance with various considerations, then observed the content of lead metal (Pb) in the Central Laboratory of Padjadjaran University. The research was conducted in situ and exsitu. Parameters of insitu research include temperature, pH and DO carried out in Karangsong waters, Indramayu Regency. Exsitu research parameters include testing of lead metal (Pb) on water, sediment and macrozoobenthos conducted at the Central Laboratory of Padjadjaran University. The results showed that the Pb concentration in the Karangsong waters had exceeded the threshold, which ranged between 1,05 – 1,33 mg/l, while the Pb concentration in sediment was higher than the Pb concentration in water. Lead metal in sediment has not exceeded the threshold. The ability of macrozoobenthos to accumulate lead metal in water and sediment (Bioconcentration Factor / BCF) is included in the low accumulative category because BCF is less than 100.
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