This research aimed to find out the condition of coral cover and the distribution or spreading of coral reefs in the waters of Biawak Island using coral reef monitoring. Several supporting aspects that were also required to know were the percentage value of coral cover, diversity index, uniformity index, similarity index, dominance index, and the value of coral mortality, to support the activities of the management of coral reef of Biawak Island. This research was conducted in the waters of Biawak Island, Indramayu Regency, West Java. The research was conducted using a survey method through field data collection. Quantitative and qualitative data collection was conducted using the line transect method (Line Intercept Transect / LIT) to collect data on 3 stations at a depth of 3 and 7 feet using 3 replicates per station. Distribution of corals in the waters of Biawak Island was spread evenly, known from the percentage of frequency of coral lifeform converge which was found mostly above 50%, a low dominance index ranged from 0.128 to 0.216, a diversity index ranged from 1.884 to 2.246, and supported also by the similarity index value ranged from 95.24% – 100.00%. The condition of coral reefs in the waters of Biawak Island ranged from a poor to moderate criteria whereas the percentage of coral cover obtained was between to 17.04% to 44.93%.
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