Like in every human interaction, clashes do occur among health service professional as a result of various forms of conflicts and factors. These clashes do bring about negative consequences on both the patients and the staff members, which inform the evils inherent in this ugly phenomenon. These clashes if continued unabated could lead to further damage; and this is the reason why studies have to be directed at ensuring that the level of clashes between nurses and physician is minimized or eradicated. This study therefore investigated emotional intelligence as therapeutic approach in resolving the nurse-physician clashes in Nigeria hospitals. This study adopted pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design, while a convenient sampling method was used to recruit one hundred and fifty (150) participants consisting of nurses and physicians from Adeoyo State Hospital Ibadan and General Hospital in Oyo Town Oyo State, Nigeria. The participants were grouped into two: experimental and control group. The experimental group received eight-week therapy on emotional intelligence, while control did not. Data was collected using Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument (α = 0.86), while analysis of Covariance was used to analyse the four hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant main effect of the treatment on conflict in workplace among nurses and physicians (F2,147 = 8.30; P < 0.05). Also, there was interaction effect of treatment on participants’ gender (F(2,147), P < 0.05); marital status (F(2,147) = P<0.05); and workload (F(2,147) = P < 0.05). The result of interaction shows higher mean for female over male; married over single; and low workload over high workload. Emotional intelligence training was effective in reducing clashes as a result of conflict between nurse and physician. It was recommended that emotional intelligence training should be organized as in-service programme for nurses and physicians.
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