Researchers have found many interesting properties of bitter melon and therefore attracted
many others on its studies. Bitter melon belongs to cucurbitacea family and momordica genus. Bitter
melon is used for human consumption all over the world in different forms such as a vegetable and /or
medicine. Some of the research work has been done on the fruits, its seeds and leaves but the other
parts such as tissues has not been studied. The present study is an extensive investigation of the
quantitative elements for Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Pb, Zn, K, N, and P of the fruit- skin,
fruit-flesh, fruit-seed, tissue skin, leaf and root of bitter melon for the first time using flame atomic
absorption spectrometry. The results show a quite good variation of the concentration of the elements
in different part of the fruit and the tissue.
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