Educational assessment can be a powerful mechanism in enhancing classroom instructions and
student performance. Its effectiveness relies on the beliefs and knowledge of those teachers who apply
it daily on a classroom. This study explored attitudes, competence, knowledge, and practices of
teachers about educational assessment. In this study participants were 80 in-service teachers teaching
various subject areas in secondary and higher secondary level selected from government and private
secondary schools and higher secondary colleges in Chittagong city. The study employed a descriptive
survey research design. Results revealed that although teachers held a favorable attitude towards and
perceived themselves as being competent in educational assessment, they demonstrated a low level of
knowledge in educational assessment. Teachers used a variety of assessments in the classroom,
primarily for assigning grades and motivating students to learn, with some variations by gender, grade
level, and subject area. Teaching load and teaching experience accounted for some of the variations in
teachers’ educational assessment practices. Implications for professional developments of teachers in
educational assessment as well as recommendations for future research were discussed in this study.
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