At the beginning of XX century in Poland people prized physical culture. The aim was humans’ growth – spiritual, physical and intellectual. Similar trends we can observed in England and The USA in the XIX century. Recognized the positive impact of sport on young people, consciously began to use it as resocialization remedy. In 1928 in Poland, physical education was introduced into prisons, reformatories and educational centres. Soon saw first results – mental abilities development and the spiritual arousal with them. In 1930 started global crisis. This resulted saving in sports resocialization programs in Poland. It’s hard to evaluate this experimental resocialization program today. Prison menagement’s reform after 1997 created new conditions. Prisoners should have possibilities to participate in sport classes. Sport has special meaning for unemployed and young people. There are activities conducive to biological, physical and mental development because they stimulate the nervous system. It gives well-being, joy and contentment. Sport shapes relationships because on the playing field people competing with themselves. Sport satisfies many humans’ needs. It helps to overcome weakness, obstacles reach to success. Physical effort shapes self-discipline, persistence and positive character traits. Sport is proven way to reduce tensions’ emotions, especially aggressive and supports resocialization process.
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