A series of nine number of (E)-1-benzylidene-2-(4-bromophenyl)hydrazine compounds have
been synthesized by the condensation reaction of 4-bromo phenylhydrazine with varies m- and psubstituted benzaldehydes using acetic acid catalyst were refluxed for 4h with 20 mL of absolute
ethanol. The yield of synthesized (E)-1-benzylidene-2-(4-bromophenyl)hydrazine compounds are
more than 80%. The synthesized (E)-1-benzylidene-2-(4-bromophenyl)hydrazines have been
characterized by UV, IR, 1H and 13C spectral data. These UV, IR and NMR spectral data have been
correlated with varies Hammett substituted constant and Swain-Lupton F and R parameters using
single and multi- regression analysis. From the results of statistical analysis, the effects of substituent
have been studied. The antimicrobial activity of all the synthesized substituted (E)-1-benzylidene-2-(4-
bromophenyl)hydrazines have been evaluated using Bayer-Kirby method.
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