The aim of the study is to demonstrate the relationship between volume and intensity of work that the cross country ski during the macrocycle training and supplementation, and changes in body composition. This work is based on analysis of source materials, obtained from conducted individually by the athlete registration process of training, maximal exercise test results and the results of measurements of body composition performed in the laboratory functional studies. The highest results in terms of oxygen uptake test obtained during the second measurement. VO2 max reached the 3.2 l / min and 54 mL / kg / min VO2 on the threshold LT 49 ml / kg / min,% VO2 max on the threshold LT – 90.7. The maximum values of blood lactate level in the course of further tests were progressive 8.4 mmol / l 4.33 mmol / l and 9.39 mmol / l. The fat within the macrocycle decreased by 2.6% (1.8 kg). The lowest value was recorded adipose tissue after a period of preparation of the main (measurement of 22/08/2013) and amounted to 8.2% (4.8 kg). The effect of endurance training in an increase of the ceiling of oxygen and lactate threshold shift towards higher loads. Has reduced the level of adipose tissue, which may be the result of physical exertion, but carried supplementation based on building lean body mass at the expense of body fat. This is a translation of my authorship the original source, which was publicated in an edition of the Scientific Publishing Sophia in 20151. It aims to increase the accessibility of the text.
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