This research analyzed the gold band goatfish’s reproduction biology in the Rancabuaya water to reference appropriate and sustainable conservation. Sampling was collected from April to August 2021. The samples from Rancabuaya Water were obtained from the fisherman yielded in the Coastal Fishing Port Rancabuaya, Garut District, West Java Province, Indonesia. The sample was analyzed in Fisheries Aquatic Laboratory, Fisheries, and Marine Science Faculty, Universitas Padjadjaran. Fish samples were measured, weighed, and dissected, then morphologically observed for the reproductive organs. Samples obtained during the research were 811 specimens with 82-219 mm total length. The sex ratio among females and males was 1.5:1. At the first maturity of females and males, the size was 124 mm and 120 mm, respectively. Females were dominated by gonad maturity stage III and I, while males dominated by gonad maturity stage I and II. Based on the composition of the GML and GMI values each month, the spawning season of the gold band goatfish in the Rancabuaya Water occurred in April and August. Fecundity obtained ranged 955 – 59,356 eggs with partial spawning type.
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