The speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness of genomic prediction have significantly altered breeding objectives, allowing for the simultaneous enhancement of multiple traits, including disease resistance. The potential of genomics in elevating the genetic profile of indigenous livestock is extensive, offering opportunities through population-specific selection, crossbreeding with improved breeds, or a combination of both approaches. By pinpointing genes and markers linked to traits like disease resistance and adaptability, genomics enables customized breeding programs that consider local conditions and preferences. The involvement of local communities in this process ensures positive socioeconomic impacts on livelihoods. Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies, particularly Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), have enriched genomic studies. NGS enables massive data generation, unveils rare variants, ensures complete genome coverage, and facilitates large-scale comparative analyses. The conclusion drawn is that genomics has emerged as a pivotal force in shaping the future of sustainable and efficient livestock production. With ongoing technological advancements, genomics is poised to play an increasingly crucial role in maintaining resilient, productive, and economically viable livestock populations that cater to the evolving needs of the global agricultural industry. The review seeks to explore the application of genomics in livestock production, aiming to enhance productivity, health, and genetic diversity of livestock species.
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