The phosphorus adsorption capacity of soil in the presence and absence of HA and FYM was determined by adding 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 120, 240 and 360 mg L-1 (initially applied P, IPA) to 5 g soils with and without HA (10 mg kg-1) and FYM (20 g kg-1). The soils along with respective phosphorus solution were taken in duplicates, were shaken on horizontal shaker for 30 hr continuously. The suspension were then filtered through whattman-42 and analyzed for P which represented the equilibrium P concentration (EPC). These soils were then applied another 45 mL distilled water and shaken for 24 hr for desorption study. The study revealed that the soils treated with P+FYM and P+HA significantly decreased the adsorption of Phosphorous at each level of IPA as compared with soil treated with P alone. Furthermore in case of alone P the higher Xad and Kd values attributed towards more P adsorption, at any levels of IPA than the soil which received HA and FYM treatments. Soils treated with P+FYM and P+HA indicated higher desorption of P as well at any IPA than the soil treated with P alone, confirmed that FYM and HA not only reduced P adsorption but also played a vital role in the release of P from soil surfaces into soil solution. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms models were used in the study, however Freundlich model was found best fit in the present study. Such type of studies should be encouraged at field levels.
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