We formulate a cosmological model under the Kaluza-Klein framework, in flat space, to determine the nature of time dependence of some cosmological parameters. Field equations are solved with the help of suitable ansatzes for the equation of state (EoS) parameter and the cosmological constant. To determine the arbitrary constants associated with the model, the currently accepted values of some measurable parameters are used. To examine the effect of dark energy upon the cosmic evolution, we have plotted the scale factor and its time derivative (expansion rate) with respect to a function of the cosmological constant which represents dark energy. Time evolution of different cosmological quantities is shown graphically and these graphs are consistent with the results of some recent investigations. It is observed that, the gravitational constant increases with time. The cosmological constant is positive and it decreases with time at a gradually decreasing rate. The EoS parameter is positive in the early universe when it decreases steeply, becoming negative eventually with a much slower variation thereafter. Results of this study are in agreement with the findings based on recent observational data.
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