This paper has studied the thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of Himalayan salt and TLD 200, considering their use as an environmental dosimeters. We examined the thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics of these two materials, using gamma doses up to 83 mRad from the 137Cs-source. In this work, we utilize Harshaw Chemical Company’s dysprosium CaF2:Dy (TLD-200) to activate calcium fluoride, but we use Himalayan salt in the form of 4 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness discs. We record the thermoluminescence (TL) of the gamma-irradiated material using a conventional TL apparatus. At first, we observed two to three peaks within the temperature range. All peaks have been well-resolved, reaching their maximum intensity at 204, 282 oC, and reaching 139, 204, and 269 oC for Himalayan salts and TLD-200 respectively. The materials under investigation, i.e., Himalayan salt and TLD-200, possess many good dosimetric properties, and therefore these can be considered environmental dosimetry.
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