The study examines the utilization of social media for professional practice among PR practitioners in Jalingo, Taraba State. The study was premised on the Technological Determinism Theory. This study population consists of PR practitioners involved in public relations operations in Jalingo. Qualitative research approach was carried out, using in-depth interviews to collect data from a sample of 9 respondents, selected through the snowball sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed thematically, and four themes emerged: familiarity with social media platforms in the public relations industry, social media’s impact on public relations duties, essential skills and knowledge for effective social media utilization in PR, and challenges associated with using social media for professional public relations practice. Findings revealed that public relations practitioners in Jalingo are aware of the benefits of social media in transforming public relations practice in crisis management, online reputation, and brand visibility. To efficiently utilize social media in PR, practitioners need to know how to create good content, engage their public, and understand the platform. Concerns about data privacy, limited resources, difficulty in keeping up with algorithms, and vulnerability to negative reactions undermine social media’s effectiveness. The findings of the study infer that social media if carefully utilized, have an effective role to play in PR, and recommend that PR experts continue to use the platforms to develop their practice and make a real impact online.
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