Customer loyalty issues that in the service sector, due to its dominant competitive environment has great importance. This study sought to evaluate the effects of variables that “corporate social responsibility”, “quality of service” and “customer’s identification” on “customer loyalty”. The purpose of the present study is based on descriptive research methods. Data were collected in this study was a questionnaire that 390 questionnaires among customers of different branches In Tehran Pasargad Bank in the period January to March 2016 were distributed and 372 valid questionnaires were collected. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis and structural equation modeling was performed with SPSS Amos. This research shows that corporate social responsibility, customer satisfaction, customer identification and customer loyalty organization has a significant impact. Thus, banks paid to the issue of social responsibility and community issues they have committed themselves to respect, in terms of customers, banks with higher perceived service quality and customer satisfaction and loyalty have cause to be.
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