A vigorous solar flare event marked on the spectrometer of the CALLISTO data, being one of
the highest solar flare event that successfully detected. The formation of solar burst type II in meter
region and their associated with X6. 9-class solar flares have been reported. The burst has been
observed at the Blein Obsevatory, Switzerland, which detected by the Compound Astronomical Lowcost Low-frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory (CALLISTO) system
in the range of 170-870 MHz in the two polarizations of left and right circular polarization. It occurred
between 08:01 UT to 08:08 UT within 7 minutes. The Compound Astronomical Low-cost Lowfrequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory CALLISTO spectrometer is a
solar dedicated spectrometer system that has been installed all over the world to monitor the Sun
activity in 24 hours. The growth of this burst is often accompanied by abundance enhancement of
particles which may take the form of multiple independent drifting bands or other forms of fine
structure. Due to the results, the drift rate of this burst is 85.71 MHz s-1
, which is considered as a fast
drift rate. The burst detected using CALLISTO also being compared to results detected by X-ray
GOES data. Both different electromagnetic spectrum shows the exact time. The observations of the
burst being discussed in details.
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