Human communication is significant and distinctive (Yule, 2010). It involves the use of body language, facial expressions and most importantly, oral language. However, due to certain developmental problems, the use of spoken language may be sometimes limited. In those cases, the alternative communication strategies are required to be used with intellectually and physically disabled individuals. In fact, Makaton, a sign – based communication system, is believed to support the communication as well as facilitate language production (Walker, 1981). This study will present a detailed analysis of Makaton, discussing the ways that the system is implemented in Multi – Sensory Storytelling. The research will demonstrate two different modalities and consider whether they can be mutually supportive and provide simple communication. The study is specifically aimed at exploring the connections between Makaton and Multi – Sensory Storytelling, presented by professional caregivers to children with intellectual and physical disabilities. A linguistic analysis of Makaton will be presented as well as the discussion on the interactive style of the storytellers. The research will attempt at evaluating how highly trained a practitioner needs to be in order to deliver Multi – Sensory Stories using Makaton. It is clear that the analyzed data will have an impact on the final conclusions of this paper.
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