Transport of slaughter animals is one of the basic environmental factors exerting influence on their well-being and, consequently, on the quality of meat. Failure to provide suitable conditions for animals during transport brings many losses to both the producer and the consumer. The result of poor welfare, excessive stress of animals and numerous fractures and injuries during transport decreases both the quantity and quality of meat from transported animals. Most often, animals are transported by car. Means of transport designed for this purpose must meet numerous technical requirements and provide animals with adequate welfare. Semi-trailer sets (tractor + semi-trailer) or trailer sets (car with trailer) are most often used. The basic requirements during transport should be to provide the animals with adequate space, depending on their weight. Cars should be protected against adverse weather conditions, must have roofing, ventilation or heating. The transport should last no longer than 8 hours, after which rest of the animals should take place in designated places. Loading and unloading of animals is also important. It should be run by qualified personnel on appropriate ramps, protecting against injury and exiting animals outside. Improper transport leads to stress, as a result of which the quality of obtained meat deteriorates, and in critical situations, even the death of an animal may occur. This creates defective meat PSE or DFD, having a worse culinary value for the consumer. Once the animals reach their final destination, they should be unloaded, have permanent access to water and ensure rest before slaughter. Transport is a very important factor in the production of high quality meat. Properly carried out, with the preservation of proper welfare conditions to minimize the stress of animals, contributes to the
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