The rainfall and temperatures are the most important parameters among the atmosphere as these parameters decide the ecological situation of the specific area, which affects the agricultural productivity. The temperature, and rainfall trends are analysed for meteorological data of Automatic Weather Station (AWS), was installed September 2009 with 22 meteorological parameters in the Department of Rural Technology, HNB Garhwal, University, Srinagar Garhwal, and Uttarakhand. In the study assess the seven-year change in temperature and rainfall has been examination by linear tread analysis. It is observed that in velley of Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, coefficient of variation for mean temperature for Srinagar Garhwal Valley is highest in the month of February and lowest in the month of August. This means that mean temperature is most stable in the month of August and total monthly rainfall observed highest in the month of November and minimum for the month of July. This shows that rainfall is more stable in the month of July and is more variable in the month of November for the Valley.
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