This study was conducted in July 2016 around Putri Island and Cikiong Beach, Batujaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java – Indonesia to know the types of surficial sedimentary that makeup Putri Island. Field survey activities were carried out to collect sediment samples using a 1-meter long piston core. The sampling locations were carried out at five stations by considering representativeness and ease of accessibility. Sediment analysis using the sieve or granulometric method to produce grain size information on the phi (φ) scale. Sediment types were classified based on grain size using the Wentworth scale and followed by the Folk’s ternary diagram. The study results show that the sediment covering the bottom of the waters around Putri Island is composed of seven types of sediment, namely gravel, very coarse sand, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand, very fine sand, and silt. It can be seen that sand dominates the sediment fraction which reaches 94% followed by 4% mud and 2% gravel. If classified based on the main component of the Folk’s ternary diagram, the seabed of this area has three types of sediment textures, namely slightly gravelly sand [(g) S], Sand [S], and gravelly sand [gS]. Judging from the constituent elements of the sediment, it can be said that the sedimentation that occurs in the study location is composed of alluvial deposits. The formation of this sediment is dominated by material carried by the river flow through fluvial and tidal processes.
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