Morotai Island is one of the islands in North Maluku that has high biodiversity of coral reefs which also provides habitats for blacktip reef sharks. In this paper, researchers aimed to understand the effects of auditory and odor stimuli on appearance and behavioral changes of blacktip reef sharks in Morotai Island, North Maluku. The study was carried out during September-October 2019 in the observation areas in the south waters of Morotai Island. This research uses two different direct observation methods of attracting sharks, BRUV (Baited Remote Underwater Video) method and ASC (Audible Stationary Count) method. Based on the results of the study, BRUV method have the higher effectiveness in attracting blacktip reef sharks with 116 occurrences rather than ASC method with 31 occurrences. From these data, this study indicates that both of those methods have a significant effect on the appearance of blacktip reef sharks. Significant behavioral differences are found in the BRUV method where more sharks are attracted to approach the bait (fresh raw fish meat) and stayed longer in the station. In the ASC method, less sharks are attracted, kept their distance from the bait (plastic bottle that mimics low-frequency pulsing sounds) and stayed relatively in a shorter time in the station.
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