Crisis of water scarcity, pollution and pricing is universal and of international concern. Its consequence is worse than that of terrorism, war, nuclear and chemical weapons. Withdrawal or pollution of all water sources can cause death of all mankind, plants, living things and the ecosystem at large. Influenced by the above and the fact that availability of potable water sources, adequately distributed is a requirement for development, the authors conducted research to evaluate spatial distribution of public water facilities in Uyo metropolis in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Primary data obtained through direct exploratory survey of public water facilities within Uyo metropolis and their respective geographical locations using GIS (Geographical Information System). Result indicate that public water facilities located within Uyo metropolis are not evenly and adequately distributed, hence scarcity in public water supply, causing the inhabitants to depend mainly on untreated private borehole water. This does not guarantee healthy living, thus, a negation of achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
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