Varying forms of solar radio burst were classified by their frequent changes in time, which are known as drift rate. There are 5 types of radio emission were named type I, II, III, IV and V. This paper is highlighted on the type III event which occurred on 27th August 2015. In the IP medium, type III solar radio burst can be classified in three different groups which representing three different situations of electron beam production and propagation which are isolated, complex and storm type III burst. The most powerful manifestation of solar activity is solar flare together with coronal mass ejections, eruptive prominences and the solar wind are the solar events which affect the earth’s atmosphere and can cause geomagnetic disturbance. In this study, the effect of M class flare with solar radio burst type III was investigated. During the day, the solar wind proton density seems to be high which is 8.4 protons/cm3 and accompanied by normal solar wind speed of 348.7 km/Sec. Spaceweather.com reported that there is one sunspot was detected (AR2403) and M class of the flare was detected during the day at 0544 UT. The data geomagnetic signal shows that during the day only geomagnetic disturbance that occur no such geomagnetic storm since the sunspot not facing the earth directly.
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