Soft chemistry procedures through sol–gel technique has applied to synthesize nano- Ti-doped
CdTe composite. Gels were synthesized by the hydrolysis of a complex solution of Si(OC2H5)4,
Cd(CH3COO)2·2H2O, Ti(CH3COO)4 and Te were heated from 350 to 600 °C in a H2─N2 atmosphere
to form fine cubic CdTe doped crystals. The size of CdTe crystals, determined from the line
broadening of X-ray diffraction pattern, increases from 6 to 21 nm in diameter with increasing heattreatment temperature. Micro-structural features of Ti-doped CdTe crystals were characterized by both
of AFM and SEM investigations . The analysis of micro-structural micrographs of both of SEM and
AFM indicated that titanium additions improved the crystal growth of grain towards more lower grain
size which ranged in between 1.4-2.5 μm while 0.67 μm through Scherrer‟s calculations.
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