In the present paper, SEM and EDS studies of coatings obtained on CP Titanium Grade 2 under sinusoidal alternating voltage (AC) with frequency 50 Hz in Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) process at voltages of 200 Vpp, 250 Vpp and 300 Vpp during 3-minute treatments, are displayed. Based on SEM micrographs it may be stated that the porous surfaces, which are needed for biomedical and catalysis application, are obtained only for samples fabricated at 200 Vpp. It was found out that thickest and most morphologically developed surfaces were obtained at 200 Vpp, too. The surfaces obtained at 250 Vpp and 300 Vpp are cracked and had low concentration of copper, i.e. 0.9 at% and 1.1 at%, respectively, while that one obtained at 200 Vpp was porous and had 8.6 at% copper.
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