In this work, we present a reinforcement-based learning algorithm that includes the automatic
classification of both sensors and actions. The classification process is prior to any application of
reinforcement learning. If categories are not at the adequate abstraction level, the problem could be not
learnable. The classification process is usually done by the programmer and is not considered as part
of the learning process. However, in complex tasks, environments, or agents, this manual process
could become extremely difficult. To solve this inconvenience, we propose to include the
classification into the learning process. We apply an algorithm to automatically learn to achieve a task
through reinforcement learning that works without needing a previous classification process. The
system is called Fish or Ship (FOS) assigned the task of inducing classification rules for classification
task described in terms of 6 attributes. The task is to categorize an object that has one or more of the
following features: Sail, Solid, Big, Swim, Eye, Fins into one of the following: fish, or ship. First
results of the application of this algorithm are shown Reinforcement learning techniques were used to
implement classification task with interesting properties such as provides guidance to the system and
shortening the number of cycles required to learn.
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