The purpose of this research is to analyze the production process of salted kadukang (Hexanematichthys sagor (Hamilton, 1822)), and their organoleptic quality in Pangandaran – West Java, Indonesia. This research was carried out from March 5 2023 to April 6 2023. The research method used is a survey method. The research procedure was carried out in two stages. The first stage observed the process of making kadukang salted fish products and the second stage tested the organoleptic quality of the salted fish it produced. An analysis of the production of kadukang salted fish was carried out by observing the production site and interviewing workers and business owners. The production of salted kadukang fish which was used as an observation belonged to Mr. Asep. Organoletic quality testing is done by scoring test. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Based on research results, it was found that the process of making salted fish includes removing unused fish parts (entrails, gills and heads), washing, rinsing, adding salt into the stomach of the fish which is left for 2 days in a closed container, dividing the fish, and drying for 2-3 days. Test results The organoleptic value of salted kadulang fish was obtained on average 8, which means it is suitable for consumption according to Indonesian national quality standards.
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