The use of game-based learning relates to the use of games to enhance the problem-solving skills. This paper will present the findings of observational research of Private Eye as a gameplay using rudimentary programming concepts. The Private Game Play encompasses executables, source code, architecture descriptions, and so on. As a result, the notion of user extends to operators as well as to programmers, which are users of components such as software libraries. The standard provides a framework for organizations to define a quality model for a software product. In doing so, however, it leaves up to each organization the task of specifying precisely its own model. This may be done, for example, by specifying target values for quality metrics which evaluates the degree of presence of quality attributes. The study will assess the software quality of the Private Eye Gameplay based on ISO/IEC, 9126-1 It will also contribute to the empirical evidence in games-based construction by providing the results of observational research across different levels of its software quality and will provide pedagogical guidelines for assessing programming ability using a games-based construction approach.
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