In general, a superconducting state is described by three critical parameters, such as, critical transition temperature (Tc), critical magnetic field (Hc), and critical current density (Jc) or density of states at the Fermi surface of the superconductor. In the case of Magic-angle-twisted-bilayer-graphene (MATBG), the angle of twist between the two layers of graphene is another important parameter since the variation in changes the value of Tc, and by virtue of the relation between Tc and EF (Fermi energy), Constant the value of changes. Change in can result in the change in density of states , and thus it can affect the current density. Hence in MATBG, the magic angle of twist between the graphene layers becomes an essential parameter along with the three parameters ( , , and ) that influence superconductivity in such materials, and the parameters are calculated for MATBG.
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