Cross River National Park lies between, latitude 5° 05′ and 6° 29′ N and on longitude 8° 15′ and 9° 30′ E., in the South-Eastern corner of Nigeria, in Cross River State. It covers an area of about 4,000sq. km of primary tropical moist rainforest ecosystem in the south and central parts, and montane mosaic on the Obudu Plateau. It is an important ecological gene-pool containing one of the oldest rainforest in Africa. It lies in the Guineo-Congolian rainforest refugia with close canopy and scattered emergent trees which reach a height of between 40 and 50 metres. The vegetation is studied to have evolved over 60 million years. On account of its critical conservation status it has been designated as one of the 25 United Nations biodiversity hotspots in the world. Cross River National Park have two distinct, non-contagious Divisions: Oban and Okwango. Survey of wild mushrooms occurring in the park (Oban Hills Division) was carried out between the months of April to September in 2015 and 2016 respectively. A total of 80 species of mushroom belonging to 40 families and 55 genera were identified using their macro-morphological features. The identified species and varieties spread over in the following genera viz., Agaricus, Agrocybe, Aleuria, Amanita, Arachnopeziza, Armillaria, Armillariella, Ascocoryne, Atroumbonata, Auricularia, Betula, Bisporella, Boletus, Bonderzewia, Cantharellus, Cerrena, Clitocybe, Coenocybe, Collybia,Coltricia, Coprinellus, Coprinus, Cortinarius, Craterellus, Crepidotus, Cystoderma, Daedaleopsis, Entoloma, Exidia, Fomes, Fomitopsis, Galerina, Ganoderma, Gloeophyllum, Gymnopus, Gyromitra, Hebeloma, Helvella, Hydrochaete, Hygrocybe, Inocybe, Laccaria, Lentinus, Lepiota, Marasmus, Mycena, Omphalotus, Peziza, Pleurotus, Psathyrella, Schizophyllum,Scutellinia, Tapinella, Tramates and Tyromyces. This study therefore shows that the Cross River National Park (Oban Hills Division) is home to a variety of wild mushrooms.
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