The study examined the influence of Customers’ Retention on Small Scale Business Performance in Calabar Municipality Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The study was guided by four research questions and four null hypotheses that were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Relevant literatures were reviewed on the study. A sample of two hundred and five(205) respondents were drawn from the population and used for the study using purposive sampling techniques. A structured questionnaire titled “Influence of Customer Retention on small scale business performance Questionnaire (CRSSBPQ)” was used for data collection. The instrument was face and content validated by three experts. The content validity of the instrument was carried out by two experts in the department of vocational education, faculty of vocational and science education, University of Calabar, Calabar, while the face validity was done by one expert in measurement and evaluation in the faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Calabar. The data generated from fieldwork were statistically analyzed using Person Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC). The data analyzed revealed that there exists a significant influence between customers’ retention and small-scale business performance. It was recommended, among others, that small scale business operators should be encouraged to always ensure that quality is maintained in their products. Standard Organization should also be tasked with the responsibility of maintaining product quality of small-scale businesses. For effective performance, SMEDAN should always organize training workshops for operators of small-scale businesses. Operators of small-scale businesses should always fix attractive prices that will facilitate patronage, culminating in an increase in turnover. Finally, businesses should be located near the final consumer to ensure performance is enhanced.
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