The MPU6050 is a 6-axis motion sensor that integrates a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope, commonly used for motion tracking and orientation detection. While the accelerometer provides accurate long-term angle measurements, it is prone to noise, whereas the gyroscope offers stable short-term data but suffers from drift over time. To address these limitations, a complementary filter is implemented to fuse the strengths of both sensors, achieving reliable and smooth angle estimation. This paper describes the integration of a complementary filter using an Arduino platform and the MPU6050 sensor. The method combines accelerometer-based tilt readings with gyroscope angular velocity data to calculate orientation in real-time. The approach is computationally lightweight, making it suitable for systems with limited processing capabilities, such as Arduino. This implementation is applicable to various fields, including robotics, drones, and wearable motion tracking devices.
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