India is one of the agricultural country and food is very important need for our country because
growth of population. Nowadays various inorganic fertilizers used for agriculture for high yield
purposes but it affect the soil fertility and living organisms. Chemical fertilizers are very costly and it
produced environmental pollution. Organic compost is cost effective and sustainable. In this attempt
the effect of various organic fertilizers (farm yard manure, vermicompost and composted coirpith) and
inorganic fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) on germination of green gram (Vigna
radiata L.). The following parameters were analyzed such as germination percentage, seedling length,
fresh weight, dry weight and photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total
chlorophyll and carotenoid. As the result of this study that all above the parameters were increased in
vermicompost applicator soil of the plant compared to the other organic and inorganic fertilizers. This
study concluded that vermicompost is very used for the crop production.
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