Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been regarded as the source for the social economic development of any country especially a developing country like Nigeria and has remained the reagent of growth for developed countries. Almost all government services could be initiated and delivered through ICT and since these tools are efficient and reliable, they are today functioning as catalyst of good governance in most countries. This paper gives the exposition at some ICT strategies that could help the country consolidate on good governance, e-government and realize her vision of becoming one of the top 20 global economies in the world by 2020. A desktop research approach was used to evaluate some technical details on the ICT tools in achieving good governance socio-economic development in Nigeria. In conclusion, appropriate policy suggestions were suggested for efficient use of ICT in promoting good governance in Nigeria.
Akwani, O. (2005). Telecom Operators Creating New Employment in Nigeria, http://www:imdiversity.com/
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