The overwhelming burden that bisphenol A (BPA) has caused humanity demands clarity as the global society agitates for a safer food packaging component. BPA is a structural component used in hardening of plastics and lining of various food and beverage containers to protect food from contamination and extend shelf life. The study review several literatures on BPA exposures, BPA toxicokinetics, BPA pharmacokinetics, epidemiology and ecological impacts of BPA. Our findings posits that even though BPA does not have a long span per se, its influence and accumulation in human body has a negative long term effect which could lead to several dangerous health implications such as cancer, obesity and fertility problems. These findings challenge the long-standing scientific and legal presumption of BPA’s safety and recommends possible safety measures that can be taken in order to reduce exposure to BPA and few of such actions includes; public awareness about BPA and its presence in our daily consumption, negative effects of BPA to the environment and to the human body and finally, thorough investigation of the presence and threshold limit of BPA in plastics and canned foods.
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