Roads are economic arteries of any country, without which there is no possibility of any social
and economic activities. The more expansion and quality of roads networks increase, the more
transportation of travellers through ground channels will be and as a result, far and near points will
enjoy more facilities and in the end, the country will move towards development. Roads are comprised
of various sections and are divided into various formats. However, the most definite and tangible
section of any road is its pavement. Pavements are thought of national investment of any country
where, annually a large part of construction budget coming from relevant organizations is spent on
repair, maintenance, and perseverance of them. Securing sufficient budget for this issue is among
subjects that have always obsessed the minds of high ranking officials. In the past, focus was always
directed at preserving the pavements and pavement management was an unknown task. The
determining factor in choosing the most appropriate way of repair and maintenance was the engineers’
analysis and little attention was focused on life cycle incurred costs or prioritization based on the
necessity at the network level. In modern economy, as with the life of pavements, there is a need for a
systematic method for determining necessities with regards to repairing and marinating. Today,
pavement networks need management and maintenance cannot suffice alone. Attempts have been
made in this research to examine the asphalt pavement management as affected by vertical loading at
the top of the paved surface under investigation where through the elasticity theory and simplifying
theory by way of Burmister for layered model, the relevant mathematical theory was expanded and
foundations of a computer program was accordingly formed. Progress recently made in the area of
microcomputers and technology of pavement management have brought about the tools needed for
managing the pavements economically, thereby creating a systematic and coherent pavement
management system for choosing necessities related with delineation, maintenance, specification of
priorities and optimal time for repair through creating pavement situation in the future.
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