Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important oilseed crop and grain legume grown
worldwide. The groundnut seed has dual advantage of being important as a source of edible oil as well
as protein. However, it is self pollinating and possesses limited variability. Despite its long history of
cultivation, broad sub-specific variability and wide geographic distribution of the cultivated
groundnut, defects in its genetic composition with respect to requirement of man are wide spread and
for many of these no remedial resources are known to exist among its varietal forms. The exploitation
of genetic resources from wild species is extremely difficult because of ploidy differences between
cultivated tetraploid and diploid wild species coupled with compatibility barriers except with Arachis
section. To induce polygenic variability for yield and its components in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
var. VRI-2 were treated with γ-radiation (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 KR). Effects of gamma rays
treatment were observed in M1 generation gradually reduced in all parameters except days to first
flower to increase concentration of treatment. In M2, M3 and M4 populations, the significant increase
of grain yields and yield components of Groundnut were observed. Potential high yielding mutants
were identified in progenies of treated seeds.
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