This study was conducted to determine factors affecting the number of visitors in recreational parks in Addis Ababa. The study encompasses the analysis of the data collected from 180 randomly selected sample visitors of Hamle 19 and Future recreational parks selected purposively selected from Addis Ababa recreation sites. Both descriptive statistics and econometrics model were used to analyze the quantitative data. To determine the factors influencing the number of visitors to the recreational parks econometric model called multiple regression model used. To analyze the data a statistical software known as SPSS used. The mean of age of visitors to the recreational parks were 31 years with minimum of 18 and maximum of 59. And the average family size was 3.6 while the minimum and the maximum household size were 1 and 10 respectively. Travel costs, visitor’s income and acquaintance with the site were found to be significant of a recreation demand at Addis Ababa recreation sites. Whereas other explanatory variables such as Gender, marital status, group visit and occupation, were found to be insignificant of visits to Addis Ababa recreation site. Among the other variables, visitors’ monthly income is considered as one of the critical variables that affects the number of visits positively. As the income of the visitors’ increases by one birr, the number of visits is expected to increase by 0.00193 percent.
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