This research was conducted on November 2018 – January 2019. The method used was the survey method by making direct observations on the stations that have been determined. The results of the research include two types of mangroves found, they are Rhizophora stylosa and Aviciena marina. The highest mangrove density was found at station 1, as many as 2302 ind / ha which dominated by R. stylosa. Gastropods found were Casidulla aurisfelis, Cerithidea sp., C. cingulate, C. alata, C. obtusa, Polinices sp., Puperita sp., Tarebia sp., Telescopium telescopium, and Turricula flammea. The Diversity Index obtained is 0.998 – 2.547, indicating moderate diversity. The uniformity index obtained is 0.10 – 0.27, indicating that there was a dominant community. While the relation between mangrove vegetation density and gastropods was 0.95, this shows that there is a very strong relation between the density of mangroves and gastropods.
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