A non-electromagnetic theory of light is proposed, according to which the light-bearing medium is non-baryonic (unstructured) matter as the main component of the substance of the universe. The theory is based on available data on the existence in the intergalactic medium of closed density waves, which are combined into structural elements (particles) of baryonic matter. On the basis of the principle of the equivalence of mass and energy, and also of the theory of waves, the basic relations between the parameters of non-baryonic matter are derived and the possibility of the appearance of running waves in it that make it visible is shown. The unity of the properties of non-baryonic matter with ether is emphasized, and the absence in the theory of contradictions inherent in the electromagnetic concept of light. Experimental evidence of the proposed theory is presented and new approaches to a number of difficultly explainable phenomena, including levitation, are discussed.
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