The study assessed the Primary Health Care facilities in Afijio Local Government Area of Oyo State in terms of their personnel availability, spatial distribution and the ease of access. The objectives included the design and creation of a geodatabase. The datasets used were both primary and secondary. This study adopted GIS methodologies and ArcGIS 10.8.1 as the implementation software. The database created was subjected to spatial search with results generated. The Average Nearest Neighbour analysis showed that both the localities and the Primary Health Care facilities were dispersed in their distributions over the study area with the Nearest Neighbour Ratio of 1.655723 and 1.213877 respectively. The p-values are very small which indicated that it is very unlikely that the observed spatial pattern is the result of random processes and the z-scores indicated standard deviations. Travelling from the PHCs to the two available secondary health care providers were also derived using the Closest Facility tool. The distances range from 0.92 Km from TBL Clinic to Ilora General Hospital to 19.9 Km from Imini PHC to the same hospital in case of referral. The aim and objectives of the study were achieved and recommendations made appropriately.
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