In this paper, we have developed a game theory model to maintain the academic performance of students in the Nigerian Universities. We found that the value of the game was V = 1.9453×1012. The optimal strategies for player (A), the lecturers were: y1 = 0.1754; y2 = 0.1780; y3 = 0.1386; y4 = 0.1506; y5 = 0.05453; y6 = 0.09209; y7 = 0.18185 and y8 = 0.02895. The optimal strategies for player (B), the students were: x7 = 0.54444 and x8 = 0.45556. Player (A) have eight strategies to play the game and their opponents, player (B), have eight strategies but can only play two out of these strategies to minimize losses, these are strategy x7 and x8 respectively to survive the academic realities. Player (A), who were the owner of the game maximize their gain by using the Maximin criterion while Player (B), who were the defenders minimize their losses by using Minimax criterion. The strategies by the lecturer include all the techniques adopted to eliminate examination malpractices, maintain quality and quantity of education and to keep the standard of education highest.
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