Data Mining is the process of discovering new patterns from large data sets, this technology which is employed in inferring useful knowledge that can be put to use from a vast amount of data, various data mining techniques such as Classification, Prediction, Clustering and Outlier analysis can be used for the purpose. Weather is one of the meteorological data that is rich by important knowledge. Meteorological data mining is a form of data mining concerned with finding hidden patterns inside largely available meteorological data, so that the information retrieved can be transformed into usable knowledge. Sometimes Climate affects the human society in all the possible ways. Knowledge of weather data or climate data in a region is essential for business, society, agriculture and energy applications. The main aim of this paper is to overview on Data mining Process for weather data and to study on weather data using data mining technique like clustering technique. By using this technique we can acquire Weather data and can find the hidden patterns inside the large dataset so as to transfer the retrieved information into usable knowledge for classification and prediction of climate condition.
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