The ability to produce large number of embryo from donor of high genetic merit using assisted reproductive technology has a considerable potential value. It is vital in disseminating genetic improvement, shortening the progeny testing and generation interval. Live animal and slaughter house ovary are good source of oocytes for in vitro embryo production. Oocytes are recovered from ovaries of slaughtered animals by using needle aspiration, slicing, aspiration and dissection or dissection alone as a method of recovering oocytes. In vitro embryo production from live donors through laparoscopic methods of oocyte recovery or transvaginal oocyte recoveries are extremely versatile techniques because they can be applied to donors of all ages from two-month-old calves to very old cows. It can be used for dry and lactating donors and even during pregnancy up to the third or fourth month. It does not interfere with the physiological status of the donor since no hormonal stimulation is required. However, in certain instances, it can have a beneficial effect. It is normally applied in a regime of two ultrasound-guided oocyte collections per week. Thus in a very short time several batches of embryos fertilized with the desired bulls can be obtained. Virtually all female cattle starting from two months of age can be oocyte donors by follicular aspiration. The only exceptions are pregnant animals after the third or fourth month of pregnancy and animals with severe ovarian hypoplasia or in the immediate post-partum before Ovarian activities are restored. Several factors such as breed, age, oocyte quality, reproductive status body condition follicular environment, fertilization, and embryo culture environment affect oocyte recovery rate, quality and quantity of the oocyte.
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