Urban development along the southern coastal zone of West Java province involves land-use changes that have a direct impact on coastal ecosystems and services. The southern coastal, a metropolitan area to the south of west java province, is a study case in which the urban coastal occupation is reflected, with the consequent loss of certain services that the ecosystems offer to the population. The research analyses the Environmental Impact Assessment and the impacts of Coastal Zone Management proposals. The methodology used in the research leads to the Drivers-Pressures-State change-Impact-Response (DPSIR) perspective. The approach to the DPSIR has been based on a set of objectives that have brought a strong focus on the long-term preservation of the environment. As such, the planning process has included – and is recommended to include – the following steps: a) Environmental risk assessment; b) Sieve mapping process; c) Formulation of development regulations; d) Local development plans; e) Environmental Impact Assessment, f) Environmental Management Plan. In this sense, management responses should focus on the conservation of these threatened services, with the coordination and cooperation among different public administrations.
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