By considering our 4G model of final unification and its three unified assumptions associated with 3 large atomic gravitational constants, electroweak fermion of rest energy 584.725 GeV and basic nuclear elementary charge of 2.9464e, we have developed many applications starting from subnuclear physics to atomic physics. In this paper, by considering the large numbers of 4G model, we try to infer that, mass ratio of electron to electron neutrino is equal to 5th power of proton-electron mass ratio. Similarly, mass ratio of proton to electron neutrino is equal to 6th power of proton-electron mass ratio. Thus, inferred rest energy of electron neutrino is 2.45 × 10-11 eV. Rest mass of electron neutrino seems to play a crucial role in fitting neutron life time and strong coupling constant. Proceeding further, squared mass ratio of electron and electron neutrino is equal to the ratio of electroweak and Newtonian gravitational constants.
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