Treating the laser medium quantum mechanically and the laser electric field classically, a
mathematical model was developed to study a laser field inside a single mode optical cavity by
numerical and analytical techniques. The simulations for threshold population, population inversion
and average population with electric field frequency for 500 kHz resonance frequency of the atom are
presented. The gain coefficient and the pump parameter with the frequency of the cavity electric field
for 1000 kHz resonance frequency of the atom were simulated. The threshold population is a
minimum when the frequency of electric field is equal to the resonance frequency of the atom. The
population inversion varies sinusoidal with time and the frequency of the electric field and is a
maximum at the threshold frequency of the atom. The saturated laser intensity at steady state increases
linearly with the pump parameter and for larger values of the pump parameter, a smaller time is
needed to reach the saturation of the laser field.
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